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A W A N A   C L U BS


Has Started A New Year!


Sundays Beginning at 5:00 PM

Ending at 6:50 PM weekly

Awana is a global, nonprofit ministry with fully integrated evangelism and long-­term discipleship programs for ages 2 to 18 that actively involves parents and church leaders. Each week, more than 2 million children and youth, 330,000 volunteers and 260 field staff take part in Awana in 30,000 churches around the world. Offered through local churches, Awana reaches kids where they’re at and walks alongside them in their faith journey..

Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word.


Preschoolers can hardly wait for their next Cubbies club meeting. Whether it's the fun puppets, the exciting games or all their Cubbies friends, they simply love it. At Story Time each week, preschoolers learn about God – the greatness of His love and His Word – and about His Son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior. Non-competitive games build excitement and reinforce Story Time lesson themes.


Cubbies helps you lead your child to God early so your child will respect and trust Him for life.

Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.


To many children in kindergarten to second grade, Sparks is the highlight of the week! They love their red vests, the exciting games and spending time with leaders and friends.


Sparks is divided into three years, each with a unique rank: HangGlider®, WingRunner® and SkyStormer™. Each year, Sparks clubbers:

· explore the biographies of people of the Bible from a new portion of Scripture

· memorize Bible verses

· complete handbook activities


The handbooks, combined with Large Group Time lessons from the WHO Do I Need to Know From the Bible series, take your child on a journey through the entire Bible!

T&T engages third- through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace.


Handbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child's knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.


T&T is different from other Awana programs. It is comprised of two clubs with distinct curriculum, uniforms and awards:


T&T Ultimate Adventure™ for third and fourth grades


T&T Ultimate Challenge™ for fifth and sixth grades

Local churches can run the T&T clubs separately or combine them for Large Group Time and Game Time. In any case, the two clubs are designed to help kids stay plugged into T&T as they move into the preteen years and continue growing in their relationship with Christ.


Awana has responded by updating T&T to reinforce commitment, identity and community for these kids and to give third- and fourth-graders a new club stage to anticipate. These updates also focus the attention of leaders on the unique challenges and needs of this age group.


The ultimate message to kids of every age group is that nothing is more important than their relationship with Christ and following His way of living in the Scriptures.

Trek—A New Middle School Curriculum from Awana.

Awana Youth Ministries has launched a new 3 year middle school curriculum. This new program challenges students to wrestle with the three most important questions they’re asking in middle school:

· Who am I?  Why am I here?   Who’s with me?

By allowing students to dive deep into the Scriptures and answer these questions for themselves we allow them to own their faith and discover what they actually believe.

Journey® establishes high school students as lifelong disciples through a deep study of God's Word, mobilizing them to live with godly perspective and evident faith. Four complete years' worth of material supports our 9th-12th grade high-school ministry. 

AWANA Schedule Sunday Evenings

Beginning at 5:00 PM

Ending at 6:50 PM weekly


Awana begins the 2nd Sunday of September and Ends the Final Sunday in April.


Check out our Facebook Page @ WestmontBaptistChurchAwana For news, up-dates, and more.

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