Bible Study Wednesdays
6:30 Weekly
Wednesday nights here at Westmont are a special time set aside to study the Word of God as a cooperate body. Over the next few months, our Wednesday fellowship will be looking at "Being Gracious in an Ungracious world" and "We are His Body". All a person needs for this study is a copy of the Word of God, a note pad/paper, and a pen/pencil if one wishes to take notes. That is all. Pastor Cline will give a little homework every now and then to help the class learn and grasp some theological truths within the verses being discussed. Questions are always encouraged. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend weekly as the lessons usually build upon each other. For more information, email or give us a call.
"till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God"
NKJV Ephesians 4:13.
Here at Westmont, discipleship and the study of God's inerrant Word is very important to us. We are told in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." Pastor Cline offers a New Believer/New Member class which is taught during the Fall to those who have joined or wish to join our church family.
Also, Pastor Cline facilitates our GROW Classes. These classes are designed to introduce new and perspective members, as well as refresh current members concerning who we are as a church family, what we believe as Southern Baptist, how we are governed, how to grow and use our spiritual gifts, missions, ministry, giving, and various other topics.
While individuals are in these classes, they are encouraged to do two things: 1) they are encouraged to find their unique place of service here at Westmont and get involved and 2) they are encouraged to join one of our "Connect Groups" which will help the individual continue to grow and mature in the Lord, their relationships within the church family, and serve faithfully as they are gifted. Please call or email us to ask about times and dates concerning up-coming classes being offered.