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Deacon of the Month

Jan - Brian Litzinger

Feb - Tom Gillispie

Mar - Bob Horner

April - Brian Litzinger

May - Tom Gillispie

June - Bob Horner

July - Brian Litzinger

August - Tom Gillispie 

September - Bob Horner

October - Brian Litzinger

November - Tom Gillispie

December - Bob Horner

Greeter Schedule

Jan - Gary & Jamie

Feb - Esther, John, Cissi, Emmalie


Mar - Tom & Athena


April - Justin & Bethany


May - Bob & Colleen


June - Sherrill & Kris


July - Gary & Jamie


Aug - Esther, John, Cissi, Emmalie


Sept - Tom & Athena


Oct -  Justin & Bethany


Nov - Bob & Colleen


Dec - Sherrill & Kris

Dates Communion will be Celebrated in 2022

A Time to Remember




Snowy Mountain


Kicking off the Year in Celebration!

Here at WBC we always begin the year with a celebration of the Lord's Table, reminding us that all that happens during this new year is all about Jesus and not us!



Easter Sunday Communion Celebration

There is no better time to celebrate and remember the Eucharist as we celebrate the empty tomb and risen Savior.



Celebration of a Nation and Becoming A Child of God

We celebrate not only the birth of our nation but also the New Birth we have been granted by faith in Jesus Christ.  Communion is a special time of reflection and remembering all that Christ has accomplished through his death bural and resurrection.


Celebrating World Communion Sunday Together as 1 Body

As the leaves change and reveal the splendor of the landscape, so we are reminded of the change the Holy Spirit has made within each believe as we come together to celebrate the Lord's Table here at WBC.


Month of October

Annual Pastor Appreciation Month

Please let Pastor and Jamie know how much you appreciate their time and energy sacrificed for the Kingdom of God and our church family.  Do something special to let them know how much you love them!

Hands Holding Wooden Plate


World Hunger Sunday

This entire month we will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to a local food banks to help restock their shelves during the holidays.  Hunger is a real issue in our area, so please give generously. 

3rd Tuesday in October Yealy

Breaking News! Johnstown Halloween Parade

One of the largest parades in the area with endless possibilities to share the Gospel.  A parade float may be in the works to help share the light of Jesus Christ on this dark night!


November & December Yearly

Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Christmas Offering

This is our opportunity to give to help the Gospel spread to some of the darkest places on the planet.  This offering goes to help support over 3k SBC missionaries around the globe.


Winter Party Fellowship

Begins at 6PM.  A Holiday fellowship covered dish meal in which our church family gathers to celebrate a year of ministry.  

Blue Background

4th Sunday in January

Right To Life Sunday

On the 4th Sunday each January we come together to celebrate LIFE and the fact that life begins at conception.



Children's Easter Eggstravaganza

4:00 PM @ Westmont Baptist Church

Rain or Shine

Egg Hunt, Pizza and Snacks, Movie & Lesson about the true meaning of Easter

White Feather


Palm Sunday

The Beginning of Passion Week, Jesus' final week here before His sacrificial death on Calvary's Cross and Resurrection!



Resurrection Sunday

The Awesome day in which we celebrate an empty tomb and RISEN SAVIOR!

Up Coming Business Meetings

January  15, 2023                      12 Noon


April 24, 2023                            TBA

July 24, 2023                             TBA

October 16, 2023                      TBA

Mother and Son on Yoga Mat



Mother's Day Breakfast

Mom's the men will be preparing a wonderful breakfast for YOU and everyone else.  So make plans to come at 9:00 AM to enjoy some great food, fellowship, and a little pampering to say, "Thank You Mom!"

American Flag


     Memorial Day Celebration

A Special Service in which we remember those who have given the greatest sacrifice of life for our life, liberty, and freedom on the battlefields across the globe and at home.  

Princess Dad


Breaking News!

Father's Day Celebration

Another special day here at WBC in which we recognize Dad!  We usually give out a few surprises to all the dad's in attendance on this special day.  Thank You Dad!

American Flag


Trending! Celebrating the Birthday of America!

A special service with special music from our praise team and a special message from Dr. Cline reminding us that even though our nations isn't perfect, it is still the greatest!  Proud to be an American!

unto us christmas clip art.jpg

     Christmas Play - 6 PM     December 10, 2023 

     Christmas Fellowship Party to follow, All invited

Christmas Eve Candlelight 8 PM

Christmas Day Service 10:00 AM

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