Prayer At Westmont
crossroads prayer strategy:
Throughout 2022, our church family will pause each Sunday to pray for God to meet specific needs throughout our ministries, other ministry opportunities, vision and discernment, and especially for our weekly guest. In our Connect Group Ministry, and Worship services, we have designated specific chairs that we are praying specifically that God send someone to fill these specific chairs with individuals who need a relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as a loving and supportive church family. When God sends a person who is sitting in those chairs, everyone gets excited because, not only are we blessed with a new guest, but that guest is an answer to many prayers that have been lifted up on their behalf. We serve a mighty awesome great big God and greatly desire for our congregation to come to the house of God expecting God to do something great and awesome each week. God never fails when we come expecting and anticipating a blessing from the Lord, Jesus!
Prayer Chain Ministry:
Westmont has a prayer chain ministry that is available for our church body and community to use anytime. If one is active within our church body, a special number has been set aside to call and make your petitions and supplications known. After Calling the designated number, your prayers will be sent to everyone through our phone tree to be lifted up in prayer. We also will send these request out through those who have provided us with their email. If you are a member of our community we simply ask that you fill out the information at the bottom of this page or go to the contacts page and submit your request. It will be forward to our congregation and lifted up in prayer.
Throughout the year, we will schedule special emphasis days, Bible Studies, and meetings to help encourage and promote our church body to endure in their pray lives. We want each of our members to have a "War Room" in their home where they engage in spiritual battle daily on behalf of themselves, their families, and others in the power of Jesus Christ.