This Years Theme:
This Year, 2023, we will refocus and renew our
Challenge to:
Discover, Discern, Embrace, Engage, & Celebrate
Discover ways you can begin building relationships with those God has placed right where you live, work, and play.
Discern how (various ways) you can intentionally begin building a relationship with others with the ultimate goal of sharing the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. Discern what activities, hobbies, interests, and etc that you have in common and begin connecting with those right where God has planted you.
Embrace the truth that God has placed you where you are for a purpose. Embrace that God has empowered you with His Spirit and gifted you to be His witness. Embrace that God is going to use you to the degree that you allow Him.
Engage those God has placed around you, engage in the ministries that God has placed before you, using your time, talents, treasures, and testimony for the Glory of Christ and His Kingdom.
Celebrate when God uses you to impact a life with the Gospel as little is much when God is in it.
Jesus came and Said to them, "All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and Make Disciples of All Nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20); this is the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to us as His Church. Here at Westmont, we strive to be not only a generous giving church family but a church family that GOES and is personally involved in hands-on missions. In Acts 1:8, we are told that we are to be Christ's witnesses in Jerusalem (Johnstown), in all Judea and Samaria (Cambria County and Pennsylvania), and to the end of the earth (USA and World). We are striving to be a faithful "Great Commission" church. Please consider coming and connecting to God, Community, and Service as we partner together to impact the world for Jesus Christ.