Our praise team leads in cooperate worship with an assortment of musical genres. From the hymns of old to new contemporary songs, our praise team strives to create blend of songs that helps those of all ages in attendance to worship our Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts, minds, and souls in a comfortable family friendly environment. Screens are used to display announcements, notes, scripture, and song lyrics. Hymnals and Bibles are available for use.
Here at Westmont Baptist, we strive each Sunday to lead our congregation in a cooperate worship celebration that exalts, honors, and praises our Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost. Pastor Cline reminds us often, "that those of us on the stage are the prompters in the worship service, those in the pews should be active participants, and God is the only audience." Also, Pastor Cline mentions frequently, if we are not worshiping God properly Monday through Saturday, then Sunday will not be what it should be. We're not at a performance or show, but we're there to lift up the name of Jesus Christ, the one true God with our hearts, minds, and souls! Christ is the reason that we have gathered! May we gather to celebrate who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do in our midst.