In all of our ministries here at Westmont, we strive to keep it simple and family friendly, as we seek to accomplish the Praise of Jesus Christ and proclamation of the Gospel by seeking to connect our neighbors with Christ, Christian Community, and Service.
Prayer is an important personal and corporate exercise here at Westmont and is a major part of all activities and services. We have an active prayer chain that is used almost daily. The sharing of request, praises, testimonies, and vital information helps keep our membership informed while encouraging one another. Secondly, we encourage our congregation to accept the "Pray on the 7's" prayer challenge. A challenge to encourages our church body to praise God (5 minutes), pray for their families (5 minutes), and pray for our ministries here at WBC (5 minutes) daily. We have a monthly "Power Prayer Meeting" taking place on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
Senior are so important to use here at Westmont. Ministries for our senior include the following: Prayer Chain, Rides to church events, visitation by Pastor Cline and others throughout the year, and special activities scheduled throughout the year to promote activity, fellowship, and ministry. We firmly believe that an active senior is a healthy senior in mind, body, and soul.
Connect groups, which are in-home Bible Study groups, are our main strategy to encourage our membership and guest to engage with God, His Word, biblical community, and service. We strive to connect every member to a "Connect Group" community. Our "Connect Groups" meet on campus and off campus throughout the week. Our goal is to see a "Connect Group" established in every Ward and Burrough in the Johnstown area. We are striving to connect our neighbors to Christ, Community, and Service for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
Our women here at Westmont Baptist gather together for a monthly fellowship at various locations. We have a couple of great ladies that plan events throughout the year. We are praying and expecting an off-site "Connect Group" to begin soon especially designed for ladies. Please see our calendar and events page to stay informed about up-coming events and meeting times throughout the year.
Men's Ministries
Men need relationships too! Therefore, we do not want to leave our men out of opportunities to grow and mature in their faith, community, and service.
Our men are scheduled to gather on the first Saturday of each month for food, fellowship, and short devotions. Pastor Cline is striving to build our men's ministry around things that men enjoy such as disaster relief ministries, cooking, eating, fishing, golfing, construction, camping, and other types of on-hand ministries.
This is a new area of ministry emphasis and is in the birthing stages. We hope to launch new opportunities for men to get involved with throughout the 2018 year. Please revisit our church calendar and events page often for up-coming opportunities for men.
Student Ministry
Student ministry here at Westmont can get a little crazy as our teens have very busy schedules. We offer a summer mission trip and summer camp to our students 6th grade and up. On a weekly schedule, Westmont Baptist offers an AWANA ministry class for middle school students (Trek) and high school students (Journey) on Sunday evenings beginning at 5 PM. Also, various activities and events are planned throughout the year for our students. We are in the process of revitalizing our student ministries and hope to provide more opportunities for out teens and their friends real soon.
Music is ministry and we here at Westmont Baptist strive to include as many of our members as possible in the morning worship service throughout the year, urging our guest and membership to use whatever musical talent God has given them for His glory and honor. Whether playing an instrument or singing a solo, we encourage our young and old to use these talents to help us worship and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as often as they are willing.
We also have a praise team that leads our morning services through hymns and contemporary music selections. Our style would be defined as "Blended" as we use various styles of music to help lead our congregation in the worship and praise of Jesus Christ. Since worship is living, it's always developing and transforming here at Westmont.
Community Service
Pastor Cline is reminding our congregation of the urgency to be more involved in the Johnstown area as this is where God has placed our church to do ministry and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are looking at partnering with services and ministries within the Johnstown to help us do effective ministry. Beginning in January, we will be offering our "Jonah Bags" to help those in need of assistance. We also participate in several block parties held throughout Johnstown. For more information, please give us a call as ministry partnerships and ministry opportunities change throughout the year.
Ministry Teams:
Pastor Cline has a ministry mentality and has pushed us as a church body to move beyond committees to ministry teams because the main task of the church is evangelism and ministry. Therefore, all committees have become ministry teams which reinforce us at Westmont Baptist to focus on accomplishing ministry, not just meetings. Ministry Teams that our membership (certain ministry teams allow active non-members to join) can become involved in include the following:
1. Finance Team
2. Building & Grounds Team
3. Fellowship Team
4. Greeter/Usher Team
5. Welcome Team
6. Nominating Team
7. Praise Team
8. Deacon Team
9. Counter Team
10. Audio/Video Team
11. Missions/Outreach Team
12. Men's Ministry Team
13. Women's Ministry Team
14. Prayer Team
15. Discipleship/Christian Education Team
Others Ministry Teams can and will be formed as leadership is developed and God places a unique calling on individual lives. If you would like more information about any of these ministry teams, please go to the contact page and submit your request. Someone will be back in touch real soon.